
For more than 65 years, Versa Wallcovering’s award-winning design studio continously develops new proprietary embossings, core classic sophisticated textures, and specialty designs for corporate, healthcare, hospitality, and more.

Versa的设计既经典又精致,并不断流行。 独特的压纹一直是人们关注的重点, 广泛的纺织品效果范围。

Versa Wallcovering is the only brand manufacturing base film in the U.S. from raw materials. All Versa products are low VOC, meeting CA 01350. Additionally, Versa uses a non-ortho phthalate, recycles ink and manufacturing waste, and has reduced energy by improving our operational processes.

作为首家获得NSF / ANSI 342认证的制造商,并且作为全球性的全行业EPD的一部分,Versa Designed Surfaces一直是我们行业可持续发展实践的领导者。

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